Lab news 2014

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

12/18, 熊谷光汰,DHIP2014 Outstanding Poster paper award を受賞

Volumetric display with a multilayered fluorescence screen and holographic parallel optical access”


12/11, Appeared in Applied Optics

P. D. Quang and Y. Hayasaki, “Optical frequency comb profilometry using a single-pixel camera composed of digital micro-mirror devices,” Appl. Opt. 54, A39-A44 (2015).

12/10, Appeared in Optics Letters

B. J. Jackin et al. , “Distributed calculation method for large pixel number holograms by decomposition of object and hologram planes,” Opt. Lett. 39, 6867-6870 (2014).

12/5, Taiwan/Japan Special Session on Digital Holography in OPTIC2014, Taichung, Taiwan

Profs. Matoba (Kobe Univ.), Tahara (Kansai Univ.), and Hayasaki joined from Japan.

12/3, Seminar talk at National Taiwan Normal University

11/17, Appeared in Optics Express

Y. Hayasaki, C. Zhou, G. Popescu, and L. Onural, “Feature issue of digital holography and 3D imaging (DH) introduction,”Optics Express 22 29117-29118 (2014).

11/6, Koh Young Best Paper Award 2014 受賞

S. Hasegawa and Y. Hayasaki, Holographic vector wave femtosecond laser processingInt. J. Optomech. 18, 73 (2014). めでたい.めでたい.

11/1-2, 2014年度オプトOB会を実施しました.


10/27-31, 3M-NANO(台北)にて企画シンポジウム開催

10/20-21, 第1回次世代研究創生キャンプ温度と生物‐, ホテル・コンセーレ

10/2  佐久間和樹, The ICPEPA-9 Outstanding Student Paper Award (poster)  受賞 おめでとう

10/1, 長谷川智士,宇都宮大学オプティクス教育研究センター助教に昇進

9/25, 八講学,博士学位取得

博士論文題目「背景散乱光を用いた 回折光学素子の形状推定」

9/22, 情報フォトニクス研究Gの秋合宿で依頼講演


9/18, Invited talk at AOM2014, 西安, 中国

Yoshio Hayasaki, “Holographic femtosecond laser processing”

9/17, Invited lecture in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics(SIOM)

Yoshio Hayasaki, “Holographic femtosecond laser processing”

9/8, とちぎ光産業振興協議会主催光融合技術イノベーションセンター にて講演


9/2, 一般社団法人日本光学会が設立されました


8/1, Applied Optics and Optics Express Joint Feature Issue(Deadline: 10 Sep.)

早崎がDHの特集号のlead editorをしています.

7/25, 光設計研究グループ第54回研究会 開催

7/13-17, OSA Digital holography & 3D imaging, Seattle, USA


5/31-6/1, 第16回OLCa@筑波大学山中合同研究所


05/01, Appeared in International Journal of Optomechatronics

S. Hasegawa and Y. Hayasaki, “Holographic vector wave femtosecond laser processing (Invited article),” Int. J. Optomech. 18, 73-88 (2014).

4/23, Dr. Hasegawa is a winner of The SLPC2014 Outstanding Paper Award (Poster) 

4/25, Visit to Institut für Technische Optik (ITO), University of Stuttgart and Seminar talk

4/24, Visit to Eindhoven University of Technology and Seminar talk

4/23, Visit to Ls. Laseranwendungstechnik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

4/22, Visit to Centre Spatial de Liège, Université de Liège

4/18, Visit to Microgravity Research Centre, Université Libre de Bruxelles

4/15, Invited talk in SPIE Photonics Europe 2014, Brussels, Belgium

Yoshio Hayasaki, “Optical frequency comb profilometry using a single pixel camera”

4/5-6, Optics learning camp (OLCa) 15 @ Utsunomiya Univ. Fureai House


03/24, 修了式・卒業式 おめでとう


03/21, 修了・卒業パーティー


03/21, 佐藤聡君(早崎研)と柴田秀平君(大谷研)がCORE学生業績賞を受賞しました

03/05 , Appeared in Optics Communications

Y. Hayasaki and A. Sato, “Holographic three-dimensional ... ” Opt. Commun. 322, 22 (2014).

02/04, 修士論文発表会


01/21, Appeared in  SPIE News Room

Q. D. Pham and Y. Hayasaki, “Accurate optical surface profilometry

01/20, Appeared in Optics Letters

S. Hasegawa and Y. Hayasaki, “Dynamic control of spatial ...” Opt. Lett. 39, 478 (2014).

01/15-16, Optics learning camp (OLCa14) @ Utsunomiya Univ. Farm

01/08, Appeared in JJAP

T. Kiire et al., “Photon-counting scatterometer with ...” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, 022501 (2014).